The new 08-10 AH version brings the measurement automation technology of the 08-40 to the best selling but previously manual 10mm diameter sample PFM, the PFM08-10 MH. The 08-10 AH price is comparable to the PFM08-10 HT MH (which replaced the older PFM14 in 2023) but offering all the labour savings of the 08-40, making this the perfect upgrade for older Hirst PFMs.

The AH versions allow measurement automation via the powerful script launcher built into HirstLab v2. Once the sample is loaded into the PFM and the script is started the user can step away from the PFM whilst the PFM runs the measurement sequence selected.
With the AH versions of the PFM08-10 and the PFM08-40 once the sample is placed in the sample loading area and the safety door is closed the PFM automatically manages the sample, moving it to the heating or cooling zones for temperature stabilisation and into the optimum location for magnetisation, measurement or demagnetisation all controlled and monitored via HirstLab v2 running on the embed industrial PC with no user intervention is required. Once the required tests are performed the sample is returned to the loading area.
The AH PFMs also further automates the measurement process via a powerful built-in scripting tool that allows full automation of repeated or a sequence of tests. Commonly run measurements such as repeated tests and high precision temperature sweeps can be run. Some example videos can be found on the Hirst Youtube channel. Samples can also be returned demagnetised and at room temperature (following a high temperature measurement) by simply selecting this option in the script launcher.
The PFM08-10 AH can also be fitted with an optional SC-05 kit to test samples down to 1x1x1mm. One of the main uses for this is in grain boundary diffusion (GBD) magnet development & testing or for testing small consumer magnets.
For more information on the Generation 8 range of PFMs from Hirst click here