New product – 4th generation M1000 & M3000 industrial magnetisers available

The latest 4th generation M1000 (1000V) and M3000 (3000V) series industrial range of high-performance production magnetisers are designed to integrate into semi-automated and fully automated production lines. The 4th generation is fully modular (capacitor bank towers can be flexibly configured to the power needed) with a magnetiser control tower containing the charger circuit, coil current sense system,Continue reading “New product – 4th generation M1000 & M3000 industrial magnetisers available”

KTN engage with…Hirst Magnetic Instruments

Engage with…Hirst Magnetic instruments ltd – video presentation by Dr Robin Cornelius – CTO at Hirst outlining the capabilities of Hirst. The Driving the Electric Revolution “Engage with…” webinar series offers leading companies and organisations a platform to present to you.